Admission from 1st to Xth
- Admission is open to all, irrespective of class, creed and community.
- The main entry is in classes IV, V, VI and VII. Vacancies in other classes are against withdrawals.
- Registration for admission is mandatory.
- Registration and examination fee is neither refundable nor transferable.
- Registration does not guarantee admission.
- Admissions to all classes are based on Proficiency & Aptitude Assessment and interaction with the child and his parents.
- For admission to Classes IV - IX the child will be assessed in English, Hindi, Mathematics and Life Skills.
- The admission of a child to the School is on the understanding that his parent or guardian delegates his authority to the Principal during term time and to the School Resident Medical Officer in matters of health.
- Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the School. The admission of a child will mean a complete acceptance by the parent / guardian of all the School Rules in force or as amended from time to time.